HealthTechMedicine Rostock – Neurosciences

Transdisciplinary methods and their application to neurodegenerative diseases

The Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock (CTNR, Neurozentrum Rostock) bundles the local scientific activities of neurosciences to improve the visibility and outcomes of the University Medical Centre in the field. The centre represents one of the main scientific areas (Forschungsschwerpunkte) at the University Medical Centre Rostock. 

MultiPark Retreat 2024

October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden

On behalf of the 2024 MultiPark Retreat Organizing Committee, the UNC Rostock team is invited to join the this year’s event, taking place on October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden. It will be two days full of science discussions, fun events, and lots of interaction! We aim to integrate clinical and experimental science, where everyone will learn from each other.

MultiPark is offering a 3-night hotel stay for up to six participants from Rostock, inclusive of meals during the retreat. 

Programme & Registration

OPEN CALL: CTNR Best Paper Award 2024

The “CTNR Best Paper Award” honours the best publications in the field in Rostock. The prize money (€5,000) is used to support projects that build on the award-winning publication. Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of subjects with a neuroscientific focus (preferably related to HealthTechMedicine) and whose host institution is a member of the CTNR are eligible to apply.

The application may only be submitted electronically by e-mail to  until November 30th, 2024.

Application Guideline

Pioneer of stem cell research in neurosciences at the Lecture of Excellence

Prof. Anders Björklund from Lund/Sweden

Professor Anders Björklund is a Swedish neuroscientist and pioneer in the research of cell and gene-based reparative and neuroprotective mechanisms in the brain. He is a senior professor at the Wallenberg Neuroscience Center in Lund. His team is a pioneer in the development of stem cell-based therapies for brain repair and has played a leading role in the development and application of dopamine cell replacement in patients with Parkinson's disease for more than four decades. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences, USA.

At this year's Lecture of Excellence "Pioneers of Neurosciences" at the Rostock University Medical Center, he gave exciting insights into his research on the importance, development and current situation of stem cell research in Parkinson's disease. The Center for Neuroscience (CTNR) initiated the lecture series and the speaker Prof. Dr. Alexander Storch invited to the lecture and personal meet & greet on September 12th, 2024. Young scientists in particular took the opportunity to exchange ideas with the excellent Swedish scientist.

Rector, Prof. Elizabeth Prommer, opened the event and presented him with the university's 600th anniversary coin as a thank you.

Photo Gallery

CTNR as part of the Stategy Meeting "Research and Training 2.0" of the UMR

June 2024

The research area “HealthTechMedicine - Neurosciences” (CTNR) was presented by CTNR members at the “Research and Training 2.0” strategy meeting of the University Medical Center to provide insights into our joint research and future perspectives.

Service: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

February 2024

The biostatistical consultation hours of the CTNR Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research (IBIMA) have recently been amended by consultation hours on artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine.

As the topic is developing dynamically, this AI consultation is primarily a heuristic search for solutions (also with the help of AI).

Inquiries (via the secretariat, ibima-sekretariat{bei} are first reviewed by the Institute Director and then forwarded to a suitable member of staff. It would be nice if the problem to be solved is set down in writing and, optimally, presented as a request to at least one (possibly freely available) AI model before the consultation appointment.

CTNR Best Paper Award goes to MS researcher

January 2024

The CTNR Best Paper Award with prize money of €5,000 goes to Dr. Newshan Behrangi as part of the Institute of Anatomy. Her publication "Siponimod ameliorates metabolic oligodendrocyte injury via the sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 5” was able to convince the jury's qualitative criteria. The prize money will be used to support the working group's continued research on Multiple sclerosis.

Neuroscience retreat in Lund

November 2023

The Strategic Research Area "Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson's disease" (MultiPark) at the Lund University organised a two days retreat in Lund, Sweden, from November 28-29th 2023. MultiPark invited members of the CTNR as a partner of the United Neuroscience Campus (UNC) to participate in the retreat. The retreat targeted both senior and junior scientists and included scientific presentations, poster exhibitions and time for interaction. Postdocs and PhD students from both Lund and Rostock presented poster of their projects in a short oral presentation during data blitz-sessions.

Election of the new CTNR Board

November 2023

According the CTNR bylaws, the term of office of the incumbent CTNR board members ends on November 22, 2023. At the 7th members meeting on November 16, 2023, the CTNR members elected the following board members for the next period:

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Storch (Dept. of Neurology)
  • Deputy Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Köhling (Oscar-Langendorff-Institute of Physiology)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Kipp (Institute of Anatomy)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Teipel (Dept. of Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Medicine)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Birgit Völlm (Dept. of Forensic Psychiatry)

The term of office of the new board begins on November 23, 2023 and ends after three years.

Award-winning research on rare diseases

September 2023

CTNR member, Dr. Kevin Peikert (Dept. of Neurology) was recently awarded the prestigious Glenn Irvine Prize at the 11th International Meeting on Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes in Homburg (Saarland). The prize, endowed with 5,000 British pounds (around 5,700 euros), is awarded by the Advocacy for Neuroacanthocytosis Patients, the oldest and largest international self-help organization for these diseases, to scientists who have made outstanding contributions to research into neuroacanthocytosis syndromes.

CTNR Seminar: Methodology of Translational Research

As part of the Qualification Programme 2023, the CTNR is hosting a seminar about the Methodology of Translational Research. Together with colleaques, CTNR member Prof. Dr. Marina Boccardi provides some basic elements of methodology of research, with a special focus on biomedical research effectiveness in innovating clinical practice. The lecture series starts Tuesdays, h 12:00 - 13:00, from October 17, 2023.

Programme and Registration.

CTNR Best Paper Award 2023

The “CTNR Best Paper Award” honours the best publications in the field in Rostock. The prize money (€5,000) is used to support projects that build on the award-winning publication. Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of subjects with a neuroscientific focus (preferably related to HealthTechMedicine) and whose host institution is a member of the CTNR are eligible to apply.

The application may only be submitted electronically by e-mail to  until May 30th and November 30th of each year.

Application Guideline

CTNR supports young neuroscientists

August 2023

Starting in August 2023, Dana Kathrin Dohr will be funded by the CTNR for one year within the CTNR Young Neuroscientist Programme. She will be supervised by the CTNR member Prof. Robert Mlynski and Dr. Lichun Zhang (Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, ”Otto Koerner“). Dana will focus on the changes in the auditory pathway of patients with cochlea implantation using the functional imaging methods DTI and fMRT.

Starting in September 2023, Phillip Henning will be funded by the CTNR for nine months. He will be supervised by the CTNR member Prof. Simone Baltrusch (Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and Prof. Adelinde M. Uhrmacher (Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing, University of Rostock). Phillip will build a new simulation model that investigates the effect of variations in mitochondrial fission/fusion proteins on glucose metabolism in neuroendocrine beta-cells, a complex scenario that can hardly be solved with experimental concepts alone.

CTNR Best Paper Award goes to ALS researcher

August 2023

The CTNR Best Paper Award with prize money of €5,000 goes to Dr. Barbara Szewczyk from the Translational Neurodegeneration Section "Albrecht Kossel". Her publication „FUS ALS neurons activate major stress pathways and reduce translation as an early protective mechanism against neurodegeneration“ was able to convince the jury's qualitative criteria. The prize money will be used to support the working group's continued research on FUS ALS.

More information.

Minister Bettina Martin visiting our Neuroscience Campus

July 2023

Bettina Martin, Minister of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs of the Federal State Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, visited the University Medical Centre on her Summer Tour. She wanted to find out more about our United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC). Dr. Kevin Peikert, UNC Board member and Virginia Bolowski, UNC coordinator presented her the virtual campus between MutliPark (Lund) and the CTNR (Rostock).

Press release (in German).

First funded study visit in Lund

June 2023

In June, Kathleen Weinreben, Physiotherapist from the University Medicine Rostock (Neurology) stayed in Lund for a four-day study to exchange knowledge about assessments and treatments of patients with Parkinson disease. She was hosted by Maria Nilsson, Associate Professor in Physiotherapy and member of the United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock

More information.

Clinical Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnostics (CAIDX)


Digitalisation is increasing rapidly across all sectors including healthcare. This can result in positive effects by increasing the healthcare sector's reactivity and resilience (increasing speed and accuracy of diagnostics, optimising resources). AI and data driven diagnostics tools are being intensively developed for applications in the healthcare sector, but the uptake is difficult for several reasons.

Under the lead of the Aalborg University Hospital (DK) and with the partners (i.a. UMR: Prof. Stefan Teipel, UR), CAIDX aims to create the conditions to facilitate the uptake of AI and data driven diagnostics tools for healthcare (and hospitals in particular) by focusing on co-development, contracting, acquisition and capacity building. By developing standard procedures for development, testing and implementation of such AI applications, our solutions will improve and accompany the cultural change necessary to unfold the potential of AI in the healthcare sector.

Programme: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027

Implementation period: January 2023 – December 2025

CTNR Activity Report 2021/2022

April 2023

The report of the CTNR and its members' activities in 2021 and 2022 has been published and is now available online.

The neuroscience community in Rostock also faced new challenges in 2021 and 2022. Many experts visited us within our CTNR events, thus continuing to facilitate excellent scientific exchange nationally and internationally. The  expansion of a cooperation with the Lund University was a highlight, so that future neuroscientific research can take place on a joint campus. The members of the CTNR again produced many joint projects and publications during this period. The CTNR is also facing up to the new developments towards HealthTechMedicine – Neurosciences.

Coordination of EU funded MSCA Doctoral Network about AI-data-driven peripheral biomarker

February 2023

Starting February 1, 2023, the international doctoral network CombiDiag - Peripheral Biomarker Based Combinatorial Early Diagnostics for Dementia will train ten doctoral candidates for the field of multimodal peripheral markers and their combinatorial use for diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

The University Medical Centre Rostock (contact CTNR member Prof. Dr. Stefan Teipel) coordinates and the University of Rostock (contact CTNR member Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirste) participates in this project, which is funded under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Institutes from Denmark, France, Italy and Spain are involved as further participants.

MSCA Doctoral Networks implementing doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.

Finding each other - Lund & Rostock Winter School 2023

January 2023

The CTNR and the United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock initiated the first common Winter School on 25 - 27 January, 2023.

Neuroscienctists from Rostock and Lund (Sweden) met in January for the first joint winter school in Rostock and Gremmelin. The United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC) of the Rostock University Medical Center and the Medical Faculty of Lund organised the joint platform for networking and getting to know each other.

During a two-day course at the Institute of Anatomy, participants prepared human brains and get insights into 3D anatomy. Afterwards, 60 experienced and young scientists from the University Medical Centre Rostock, the Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock (CTNR), the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Rostock/Greifswald) and the Research Area for Parkinson's from Lund (MultiPark) exchanged views on the current state of neuroscience.

In addition, 24 participants presented their current projects with posters. The scientists Anna Bartalis from the Section for Translational Neurodegeneration "Albrecht Kossel" in Rostock and Jessica Santiago from the Medical Faculty in Lund each received a grant of €500 for the best posters.

Finally, the coordinators of the United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock Prof. Alexander Storch (Rostock) and Prof. Per Odin (Lund) signed the UNC bylaws to strengthen future networking between the two neuroscience communities in Rostock and Lund. Joint events such as this Winter School, scientific projects for the development of innovative therapy concepts for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, as well as exchange programmes for further education and training are the goals of this cooperation.

United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock

Picture Gallery

Press Release (German)

Lecture cancelled

13th December 2022, 15:30, Hörsaal Gehlsdorf

Due to illness the lecture of Prof. Birgit Liss on "Activity-dependent neuronal calcium signalling and its role in aging and Parkinson’s disease" has to be postponed.

6th CTNR Members' Meeting

6th meeting of the CTNR members.

16 November 2022, 16:45 - 18:00
Hörsaal Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Gehlsheimer Straße 20, 18147 Rostock

(Participation only by invitation)

CTNR members represented on the RAS Board

August 2022

The organisational needs of the Rostocker Academy of Science (RAS) are covered by the RAS Board. It consists of the speaker and representatives of the scientific areas, the non-clinical departments and the RAS members. The CTNR Board elected the following CTNR members for representing the neuroscience area:

1st representative: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Kipp (Anatomy)
2nd representative: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. T. Freiman (Neurosurgery)
Deputy representative: Prof. Dr. med. A. Storch (Neurology)

The main task of the RAS Board is the recruitment and final evaluation of Clinician and Medical Scientists at the University Medicine Rostock.

Medical Scientist Programme - Review Board

August 2022

With the kind support of a review board, the applicants were assessed as part of the 3. CTNR Medical Scientist Programme. The CTNR Board would like to thank the experts for their cooperation:

CTNR Lecture of Excellence with Prof. Dr. Hans Schöler

August 2022

"Warm greetings from the Hanseatic city of Münster" was the beginning of the introductory slide by Robert-Koch prizewinner Prof. Dr. Hans Schöler, who was invited by the CTNR as part of the Lectures of Excellence "Pioneers in Neurosciences". On August 24, 2022, Hans Schöler inspired the audience in the auditorium of the main university building with an insight into his research on the importance of pluripotent stem cells and organoids for biomedical research and drug development. Since 2021, he is Emeritus (Director) at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, MPG White Paper Emeritus Group, Münster.

As a thank you, the patron and Rector, Prof. Schareck presented the university's anniversary thaler (Jubiläumstaler). Afterwards, the participants used the unique opportunity to get in close contact with the excellent expert.

The CTNR would like to thank everyone involved for this great event.

Photo Gallery.

Pictures by Margit Wild.

2. Call: Neuro Clinician Scientist

The CTNR offers a Clinician Scientist position in the Neurosciences for the research protected time of two years within the specialist/subspecialist training time to conduct a theoretical research project.

The program consists of an individual clinical, scientific and soft skill educational curriculum under the umbrella of the Rostock Academy for Science (RAS).

Application deadline: open

Application information.

New insights into childhood dementia

CTNR Lecture Series

The CTNR Community thanks Robert Steinfeld, Professor of Pediatric Neurology at the University of Zurich for his talk on "New insights into childhood dementia" within the CTNR Lecture Series on 28th July 2022 . Prof. Steinfeld presented the results associated with the CLN5 variant of NCL disease as an important step towards understanding the neurodegenerative disease mechanisms.

To enlarge please click on the photos.

Deadline extended - 3. Call: CTNR Medical Scientist Programme

June 2022

The CTNR Neuro Medical Scientist Programme includes the financial support of positions for (non-physician) medical scientists/doctoral candidates with a focus on neurosciences. The financial support is used to give young scientists the opportunity to apply for third-party funds (“Anschubfinanzierung”) or to complete the doctorate (“Überbrückungsfinanzierung”).

Deadline 3rd call extended from 31 May 2022 to 27 June 2022

More information

CTNR Qualification Programme 2022

April 2022

The neuroscience community in Rostock benefits from experts of different fields of science that share knowledge about principles and rules of scientific work. In cooperation with the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock and CTNR members, the qualification programme bundles this expertise and offers faculty-wide soft skill courses for young scientists. All courses are free of charge and open to all interested scientists.

Soft skill courses of the Qualification Programme 2022

Modulators of Neural Network Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease: From APP to Tau and Microglia

May 2022

The CTNR community thanks Prof. Lennart Mucke, Director and Senior Investigator at Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease from the University of California, San Francisco for his very fruitful and interesting talk about "Modulators of Neural Network Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease: From APP to Tau and Microglia" within the CTNR Lecture Series on 16 May 2022. 

Lund and Rostock establish a strategic partnership in neuroscience

May 2022

Based on more than 15 years of joint individual projects in the field of neurology and clinical memory research, the research area neurosciences of the University Medical Center Rostock (Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock, CTNR) together with the research area "Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson's disease" (MultiPark) of the Faculty of Medicine of the Lund University (Sweden) developed a joint concept for a "United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock" (UNC). Within the UNC, the research field is expanded to include general research into neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinson's diseases and stroke. The overarching strategic goals of the initiative are the support of young scientists through exchange programs, internationalization, increasing the visibility of the neuroscientific community and the encouragement of international research cooperation and publications at both locations.

On May 5, 2022, after more than a year of working together on the UNC concept using virtual meetings, the first personal visit to Lund took place. Welcomed with a city tour through the attractive student city of Lund, representatives of both locations then presented the existing organizational and research infrastructures as well as exchange, training and funding programs. On the following day, strategic issues, measures and necessities for the initiation and long-term implementation of the United Neuroscience Campus were explained. The first agreed activities within the UNC include the use of ERASMUS modules (staff mobility, traineeship), the co-supervision of doctoral projects, the mutual announcement and invitation to scientific courses and a scientific conference next autumn in Rostock.

At the end of the two-day visit, the Vice Dean for Budget, Planning and Structure of the University Medical Center Rostock, Prof. Bernd Krause, and the Vice Dean for Internationalization and Recruitment of the Medical Faculty of the University of Lund, Prof. David Gisselsson Nord, as well as the Principal Investigators of the UNC, Prof. Alexander Storch (Neurology, Rostock) and Prof. Per Odin (Neurology, Lund) signed a “Memorandum of Understanding”. This agreement seals the future cooperation between the two locations in the field of neuroscience and sets the starting point for future exciting joint projects and exchange programs that promote young talent within the United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock.

More information about the United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock:

Press release in German.

Pathogenic mechanisms of Niemann Pick C disease

April 2022

The CTNR community thanks Prof. Maria Teresa Fiorenza from the Division of Neuroscience of the University of Rome for her interesting talk about "Pathogenic mechanisms of Niemann Pick C disease: altered neuronal and glial cell differentiation largely anticipates overt neurologic dysfunction" within the CTNR Lecture Series on 08 April 2022. 

Sleep-dependent formation of memory

March 2022

The CTNR community thanks Prof. Dr. Jan Born from the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology (University of Tübingen) for his very inspiring talk about "Sleep-dependent formation of memory" within the CTNR Lecture Series on 29th March 2022. The lecture emphasized the importance of sleep for memory transformation during early development.

Help for refugee researchers

March 2022

Via the website offers (including job offers, funding, accommodation) for students and scientists from Ukraine can be listed. Institutes and Departments of the CTNR are encouraged to register open positions.

Funding for new positions can be applied at the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is now expanding its existing funding measures by opening up the Walter Benjamin Programme with the aim of enabling this target group to become integrated in the German research system at any stage of their career (after completing a doctorate). With the option of acquiring a Walter Benjamin position, refugee researchers who have been forced to leave their home country within the last three years are given the opportunity to embark on their own research project. 

The University of Rostock take care of all questions and concerns in German, English, Ukrainian or Russian via

Smell better!

February 2022

The CTNR community thanks Prof. Hummel for his very interessting talk on 24th February 2022 within our Lecture Series. He is supervising of work area and outpatient clinic "Smell and Taste" at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the TU Dresden and Head of Interdisciplinary Center "Smell and Taste". The lecture showed how olfactory disorders affect, which forms of olfactory disorders there are, and how olfactory disorders can be diagnosed and treated.

The CTNR welcomes new member

February 2022

On September 2019, Professor Dr. Frederike Hanke started her work at the Marine Science Center of the University of Rostock. For her research on Robben's visual system, she has a Lichtenberg professorship from the Volkswagen Foundation on the topic "From optic flow to visual orientation and navigation as well as neuroimaging”. The main research area of her working group includes sensory systems, mainly vision, of (semi)aquatic animals from periphery to central processing.

More information.

CTNR members represented on the RACS board

January 2022

The organisational needs of the Rostocker Academy for Clinician Scientists are covered by the RACS board. It consists of the speaker and representatives of each scientific area, the non-clinical departments and the RACS members. The CTNR Boards elected the following CTNR members for representing the neuroscience area:

1st representative: Prof. Dr. med. A. Storch (Neurology)
2nd representative: Prof. Dr. med. A. Bertsche (Neuropaediatrics)
Deputy representative: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. T. Freiman (Neurosurgery)

The main task of the RACS Board is the recruitment and final evaluation of Clinician Scientists at the University Medicine Rostock.

Recent development in Multiple System Atrophy

January 2022

The CTNR community thanks Prof. Wassilios Meissner for his very excellent talk on 17th January 2022 within our Lecture Series. Wassilios Meissner is professor of Neurology at the Department of Neurology for Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University Hospital Bordeaux and deputy director at the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases in France. The lecture discussed recent advances in MSA including own research with emphasis on pathogenesis, diagnosis, biomarkers, and treatment development.


Medical Scientist Programme - Review Board

December 2021

With the kind support of a review board, the applicants were assessed as part of the 2. CTNR Medical Scientist Programme. The CTNR Board would like to thank the experts for their cooperation:

ONLINE: 5th CTNR Members' Meeting

December 2021

07 December 2021, 16:00 - 17:00

Fifth meeting of the CTNR members.

Online via Zoom.

Participation only by invitation.

Successful 1st Virtual Neuroscience Workshop Lund – Rostock

October 2021

The initiative of a United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC) was starting with the first virtual scientific workshop on “Key questions and methods in the field of neurodegenerative diseases in Lund and Rostock”, on October 20, 2021, 2 pm – 7 pm.

The goals were to get in contact with researchers from Rostock and Lund, to present and get to know the scientific key questions and methods of both scientific locations. The information will lay the basis for future collaborations and projects.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Lund, Prof. Kristina Åkesson and the Dean of the University Medical Centre Rostock, Prof. Emil Reisinger welcomed the participants. The project leader Prof. Alexander Storch (CTNR Speaker) and Prof. Per Odin (Neurology Lund) introduced the initiative. The workshop programme consisted of experimental and clinical key speakers who presented their scientific questions in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. 62 participants from both countries took part online, with six lectures from Rostock and eight from Lund.

Programme and Abstracts

The CTNR welcomes new member

October 2021

Dr. Henrik Rudolf is a scientist at the Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research. His reserach areas are statistical methods in clinical trials, multi-state models and stepped-wedge designs. He also offers a statsitical consultation service for students, doctoral candidates and research assistants.

More information.

2. Call: CTNR Medical Scientist Programme

October 2021

The CTNR Neuro Medical Scientist Programme includes the financial support of positions for (non-physician) medical scientists/doctoral candidates with a focus on neurosciences. The financial support is used to give young scientists the opportunity to apply for third-party funds (“Anschubfinanzierung”) or to complete the doctorate (“Überbrückungsfinanzierung”).

Deadline 2. Call: 15 November 2021

More information

Successful networking at the first CTNR Summer School

September 2021

The first CTNR Summer School, on 02 - 04 September 2021, was a successsful platform for the get-to-know and networking of senior and young scientists from Rostock in the field of Neurosciences.

Some researchers of CTNR working groups were trained in neuroanatomy by a two-day long preparation course in Rostock. Following, 38 leader and junior scientists presented together in tandems the current state-of-the-art, their methodologies, applications and on-site technologies on the Summer School location at the hotel in Gremmelin.

Special (virtual) keynote speaker was Dimitri Michael Kullmann FRS FMedSci MAE. He is a professor of neurology at the UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London. The Summer School provided networking tools by oral and poster presentations, discussions and a scientific network activity in the evening.

The best poster was awarded by a project funding amount of 1,000 € to Sarah Joost and Katerina Manzhula from the Insititute of Anatomy for their project about "Exploring an undescribed border structure of the choroid plexus: From three-dimensional macroscopy to ultrastructure". 

Photo gallery

The CTNR welcomes new member

August 2021

Dr. Marina Boccardi is the Head of the Implementation Neuroscience group, DZNE-Rostock/Greifswald. Her research areas are methodological studies aimed to improve the translation and implementation of neuroscience findings in clinical practice.

More information.

Novel therapy tested in the world's first patients with chorea acanthocytosis

July 2021

An international consortium led by CTNR member Prof. Andreas Hermann, Head of the Section for Translational Neurodegeneration “Albrecht Kossel”, was able to identify a key mechanism for the development of the disease with the help of European funding (E-Rare). Transferring it to patient care is a task of the Clinician Scientist Dr. Kevin Peikert (photo).

More information.

MASTER THESIS PROJECTS at Lund University Medical Faculty

June 2021

The CTNR is currently implementing a new international cooperation with the Lund University (Sweden) - the United Neuroscience Campus (UNC) Lund – Rostock – with experts from the Swedish Neuroscience community like Per Odin (Neurology), Angela Cenci Nilsson (Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology) and Oskar Hansson (Clinical Memory Research). The cooperation starts with a connection between the CTNR and the MultiPark (Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson´s disease).

The overarching strategic goals of the United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock initiative are the promotion of young researchers, internationalisation, increasing the visibility of the community, and stimulating international collaborative research projects and publications. The planned measures are student/doctoral exchange programmes, bilateral events and special supports.

Prof. Angela Cenci Nilsson is now kick-starting the Lund-Rostock exchange already from this autumn by the offer to host some master students from Rostock in the field of neuropharmacology and neuroscience.

More information about research and application.

Offer for children and adolescents with pain

June 2021

Rostock University Medical Center will receive EUR 300,000 as start-up funding from the strategy fund to set up a range of pain medicine for children and adolescents. A comprehensive care chain from outpatient to partial inpatient to inpatient care for young patients and their families is planned among others by CTNR member Prof. Michael Kölch.

More information.

CRC "ELAINE" - Renewal proposal approved

June 2021

The reviewers and members of the Senate and Approval Committee for Collaborative Research Centers (SFB) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) approved a second funding period of the Collaborative Research Center 1270 "Electrically Active Implants" – ELAINE. The CRC team, with the participation of CTNR members as PIs of the subprojects C03, C04 and IRTG can continue their research for four more years.

More information.

CTNR members achieves a milestone in the research of rare neuromuscular diseases

May 2021

Scientists discover an important enzyme for therapy controls / New findings enable more individual therapy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited disease that leads to progressive muscle wasting. It occurs relatively frequently among the rare diseases. About two percent of the population carries the predisposition. There is no cure, but recently very effective therapies and therefore the possibility that only mild symptoms will occur with early treatment. CTNR member Prof. Andreas Hermann und PD Dr. Christoph Kamm have now found a biomarker, i.e. a measurable biological parameter, which shows the extent of muscle wasting, in a study together with colleagues from Dresden and other university clinics.

More information.

CTNR member leads Germany-wide study on corona vaccines

May 2021

Vaccination tolerance in patients with multiple sclerosis is being researched for the first time

A nationwide study by the German Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Rostock University Medical Center will examine how the Covid-19 vaccination affects the course of MS in patients over the next few months. CTNR member Prof. Dr. Uwe Zettl heads the nationwide study on the tolerability of the Covid 19 vaccination in MS patients.

More information.

DFG is funding longitudinal cohort study at the Psychiatry

May 2021

"The role of pandemic and individual vulnerability in longitudinal cohorts across the life span: refined models of neurosociobehavioral pathways into substance (ab)use?"

Individual decisions for risky behavior, such as substance consumption, are influenced by neurobehavioral microstates, including impulsivity or maladaptive stress reactivity. These decisions have, yet, also been attributed to socioaffective cues - from macrosocial norms and opportunities, including access routes or private space, to mesosocial factors, including closeness to consuming peers or amount of familial stress. The German Research Foundation (DFG) approved a consortium application under the leadership of Kiel Professor of Medical Psychology and Sociology Frauke Nees, which combines several German longitudinal studies.

The Rostock longitudinal study is the oldest of the participating studies, because it started 50 years ago with the birth of around 300 Rostock children. A video on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Rostock longitudinal study can be found here. The study has been carried out by the CTNR member PD Dr. Olaf Reis, manages and combines data from very different areas of life.

The total application amount is over 1 Mio € for three years, about a third of it are going to the Rostock project.

Publication at Ärzteblatt MV

May 2021

Our CTNR Neuro Clinicien Scientist Dr. Felix Streckebach published an article about his intersting research project on "Bioresorbierbarer, intrakranieller Stent zur endovaskulären Therapie" in the current edition (May 2021) of the Ärzteblatt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

More information.

CTNR Activity Report 2019 - 2020

May 2021

The report of the CTNR and its members' activities in 2019 and 2020 has been published and is now available online.

After a successful evaluation in 2020 and the additional funding period for another four years we have the possibility to create ideas for new projects. In this sense, it is planned to establish a master’s course in "Translational Neuroscience", to implement a common Neuroscience Campus between Lund and Rostock as well as to apply for a DFG Research Training Group. In addition to this promotion of young talents, beside the Clinician Scientist program, a Medical Scientist program has also been launched to strengthen motivated researcher in the CTNR.

We have also succeeded in creating a Lecture of Excellence in order to gather outstanding researchers in the field of neuroscience to Rostock. These are just a few highlights of the last two years. For a deeper look into the activities of the CNTR we would like to invite you to enjoy this brochure.

The CTNR Board

A nationwide supply network for ALS patients

April 2021

The ALS center at Rostock University Medical Center is a central point of contact for those who are sick in the region. With the support of the European Social Fund and the state government, a project is now being implemented that aims to provide interdisciplinary networked care for all people with ALS in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV). Principal investigator and CTNR member Prof. Andreas Hermann (right) and  case manager Sophie Fischer (left) will ensure that patients and their families should be optimally cared for, and regional and supra-regional resources should be consistently improved and used. Up to 200 people currently suffer from the incurable disease in MV.

More information.

Children in the corona crisis: "Many have become more independent"

Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Michael Kölch in DER SPIEGEL

CTNR member Michael Kölch, Professor for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in an interview about the effects on the Corona generation and the learning strategies of children in DER SPIEGEL: SPIEGEL PLUS article.

CTNR Online Lecture: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Haass (LMU, DZNE München)

March 2021

On 18th March, 46 young and senior scientists of the neuroscience community in Rostock attended the CTNR online lecture of the oustanding researcher Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Haass (LMU, DZNE München). The lecture was about:“Microglial modulation of neurodegenerative diseases – innovative therapies or devilish gambling?”

Christian Haass is Professor of Biochemistry and head of the Department of Metabolic Biochemistry at the Adolf-Butenandt Institute (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich). Since 2009, he is also the speaker of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders (DZNE) in Munich. He holds many excellent awards and is leader of outstanding projects, e.g. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Award (DFG), ERC advanced grant, DFG Reinhart Koselleck Project and is ranked as a highly cited researcher (Web of Science). He is i.a. elected member of the Leopoldina, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and member of the Society for Neuroscience.

His Division of Biochemistry at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich is investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Frontotemporal Dementia. A major focus includes the identification of target molecules, which can be modulated in future therapeutic approaches.

The CTNR thanks Prof. Haass for the excellent and inspiring talk.

CTNR Neuro Medical Scientists

March 2021

Starting in April 2021, Janine Petters will be funded by the CTNR for six months as a Medical Scientist. 

Her research deals with the development and characterization of a patient-specific iPSC-derived cell model system for the copper storage disorder Wilson disease which mainly affects the liver and brain. As a CTNR Medical Scientist, Janine Petters tries to find potential drug candidates and aims to test these substances in her differentiated iPSC-derived liver cell model in order to correct the dysfunctional copper transporter ATP7B in iPSC-derived hepatocytes from Wilson disease patients.

Review Board

January 2021

With the kind support of a review board, the applicants were assessed as part of the CTNR Medical Scientist Programme. The CTNR Board would like to thank the experts for their cooperation:

New CTNR Logo

February 2021

The CTNR now has a new and more modern logo. It replaces the original logo which stood for the implementation of the CTNR.

Election of the new CTNR Board

November 2020

According the CTNR bylaws, the term of office of the incumbent CTNR board members ended on November 22, 2020. At the 4th members meeting on October 30, 2020, the CTNR members elected the following board members for the next period:

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Storch (Dept. of Neurology)
  • Deputy Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Köhling (Oscar-Langendorff-Institute of Physiology)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Kipp (Institute of Anatomy)
  • PD Dr. rer. nat. Angela Kuhla (Rudolf-Zenker-Institute for Experimental Surgery)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Teipel (Dept. of Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Medicine)

The term of office of the new board begins on November 23, 2020 and ends after three years.

CTNR Medical Scientist Programme

November 2020

The CTNR Neuro Medical Scientist Programme includes the financial support of positions for (non-physician) medical scientists/doctoral candidates with a focus on neurosciences. The financial support is used to give young scientists the opportunity to apply for third-party funds (“Anschubfinanzierung”) or to complete the doctorate (“Überbrückungsfinanzierung”).

Information, Guidelines and Application

CTNR Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Programme

November 2020

From now on, the CTNR provides the framework for an educational programme for doctoral candidates of CTNR members. Doctoral researchers get the possibility to be supervised by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC aims to provide guidance for both the doctoral candidate and their supervisors, in order for them to reach a successful end of the project. The CTNR provides a pool of members as potential TAC supervisors.

Information, Guidelines and Templates

CTNR Qualification Program - Fundamentals of Scientific Work

November 2020

On November 2nd, the CTNR is starting a series of seminars for young scientists on "the fundamentals of scientific work for doctoral students in medicine". The aim is to impart basic knowledge and skills in scientific work. In addition, an introduction to the statistical basics will be given. At the end of the course, the young scientists should have acquired the basic knowledge to create their own scientific work. They will learn to select and evaluate literature in order to formulate their research hypotheses based on this, to choose a design that is suitable for the research work and to apply appropriate procedures for evaluating the data. The seminars always take place on Mondays at 5 p.m. at Hörsaal Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde, Gehlsheimer Str. 20, 18147 Rostock. The seminar is hosted by the Forensic Psychiatry.

Please find all information and topics here.

New Chair of the Forensic Section in the World Psychiatric Association

October 2020

Germany's forensic psychiatry should be better recognized internationally: That is the concern of Prof. Dr. Birgit Völlm, Director of the Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry at the Rostock University Medical Center and member of the CTNR. Now she has the opportunity to put her ideas into practice. She was unanimously elected as the new Chair of the Forensic Section in the World Psychiatric Association. The association has 72 scientific sections and organizes worldwide and regional scientific congresses, publishes the journal with the highest impact factor of psychiatric journals and publishes guidelines and opinions on current issues in psychiatric practice and ethics.

Press release.

First Clinician Scientist Retreat

October 2020

On October 14th, the 10 Clinician Scientists of the Rostock Academy for Clinician Scientists (RACS) and of the Clinician Scientists Programs of the three scientific priority areas Biomedical Engineering/Biomaterials, Neurosciences and Oncology met the first time on a scientific retreat at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen. In addition to lectures by the young scientists, their evaluations and meetings of the steering committee, a workshop on the subject of research funding and third-party funding applications was held by the CTNR coordinator Virginia Bolowski.

First Virtual Lecture of the CTNR Qualification Program

August 2020

On August 26th, the first CTNR online seminar took place. The virtual lecture on how to write DFG grant proposals (Sachbeihilfe) was given by the coordinator Virginia Bolowski. 48 participants followed the seminar that is part of the CTNR qualification program. The overall aim is to support young scientists by offering a soft skill and training program. The feedback of the attendees was more than positive. The  CTNR qualification program and its regular events can be found here.

“Thank you very much for the wonderful seminar today about submitting a DFG research grant! It was a great overview and also refreshed a lot." (participant)

4th CTNR Members' Meeting

October 2020

Fourth meeting of the CTNR members.

30 October 2020, at 2:00 pm
Hörsaal Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Gehlsheimer Straße 20, 18147 Rostock

(Participation only by invitation)

CTNR lecture: Forensic Neuroscience

August 2020

On August 17th, the guest speaker PhD Josanne van Dongen of the Erasmus University Rotterdam gave a lecture as part of the CTNR lecture series on the topic "Forensic Neuroscience: How neuroscientific insights can add to forensic psychology". She was invited by the CTNR member Prof. Dr. Birgit Völlm (Head of Forensic Psychiatry). 25 participants followed the lecture under the applicable hygiene rules. The event was organized and financially supported by the CTNR. The next dates of the series will be announced here.

How corona viruses get into the human brain

August 2020

International team of researchers examines influence on olfactory organ

The CTNR member Prof. Dr. Martin Witt works with colleagues from Zurich and Dresden to check what damage Covid-19 does to the olfactory mucosa of humans. In the study they "report two cases of olfactory neuropathy diagnosed at autopsy in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection".

More information (in German).

The study has now been published in the journal The Lancet and can be found here.

Neuro Clinician Scientist at the CTNR

July 2020

Starting in august 2020, Dr. med. Felix Streckenbach will be a Clinician Scientist of the CTNR Clinician Scientist Program for Neurosciences.

Since 2018, Dr. Streckenbach is a resident at the Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology at the University Medical Center Rostock and member of the clinical research group in Neuroradiology. As a Neuro Clinician Scientist, Dr. Streckenbach will work on the “development of a biodegradable stent for intracranial aneurysms”.

The clinical mentor of Dr. Streckenbach is Prof. Dr. med. Marc-André Weber (Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology) and the scientific mentors are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Grabow and Prof. Dr.-Ing Klaus-Peter Schmitz (Institute for Biomedical Engineering).

CTNR Events

March 2020

Due to the current situation all timely CTNR events (Lecture of Excellence, lecture series) are cancelled and postponed.

More information.

DFG Review Board Election 2019

December 2019

The CTNR members Prof. Rüdiger Köhling (Fach-Nr. 206-05: Experimentelle Modelle zum Verständnis von Erkrankungen des Nervensystems) and Prof. Olaf Wolkenhauer (Fach 201-07: Bioinformatik und Theoretische Biologie) were elected by the German science community as new DFG review board members for the next period 2020 – 2023.

More information.

CTNR Activity Report 2017 - 2018

December 2019

The report of the CTNR and its members' activities in 2017 and 2018 has been published and is now available online. The report presents the development of the CTNR in the first two years after its founding and provides a snapshot of ongoing activities. It contains the research profiles of the members as well as the description of the education and transfer activities.

CTNR Lecture Series - Funding opportunities for young scientists

November 2019

On 18th November, the CTNR coordinator, Virginia Bolowski, gave a talk about funding opportunities for young scientists in the framework of the CTNR Lecture Series. More than 30 participants were interested in the information about national and international third-party funding bodies and their programs.

Stakeholder Workshop - Participation for better solutions in dementia

November 2019

On 13th November, the CTNR and the Department "Ageing of Individuals and Society" of the Interdisciplinary Faculty organised a stakeholder workshop in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Affected persons, researchers and other representatives of care and society exchanged experiences and opinions about risks and benefits of participative research.

With the method of a "World Café" the participants worked out how active cooperation should be designed and what kind of research questions could be relevant.

Start of the CTNR Lecture Series

October 2019

Since October, CTNR members have the opportunity to receive organisational and financial support for events in neurosciences such as lectures, symposiums, workshops etc. Within the frame of the CTNR lecture series they can apply for a topic and guest speakers. The lecture series will take place once a month at 4 pm at Hörsaal, Zentrum f. Nervenheilkunde, Gehlsheimer Str. 20.
For topics and free spots see "Educational Activities".

First Neuro Clinician Scientist at the CTNR

October 2019

From October 2019 on, Dr. med. Maxi Kersten, will be the first Clinician Scientist of the CTNR Clinician Scientist Program for Neurosciences. The program aims for a research protected time within the specialist/subspecialist training time to conduct a theoretical research project under the umbrella of the Rostock Academy for Clinician Scientists (RACS).

Since 2015, Dr. Kersten is a resident at the Department of Neurology and member of a clinical research group for movement disorders and deep brain stimulation. As a Neuro Clinician Scientist, Dr. Kersten will work on "Functional characterization of the basal ganglia-cortex network to improve individual clinical efficacy of deep brain stimulation in movement disorders".

The clinical mentor of Dr. Kersten is Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Storch (Department of Neurology) and the scientific mentor is Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Köhling (Oscar-Langendorff- Institute of Physiology).

3rd CTNR Members' Meeting

October 2019

16th October 2019, at 4:00 pm
Konferenzraum 039 (Neubau, Teil B, EG)
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
Gehlsheimer Str. 20
18147 Rostock

(Participation only by invitation)

New CTNR Staff Members

September 2019

Since September 2019, the CTNR welcomes two new staff members:

Alexandra Brandenburg will support the CTNR as a project manager to develop and implement a research platform für clinical trials in the field of neurosciences. After completing her university studies in law in Greifswald and Kiel, she worked at the University Hospital Aachen (UKA) at the Center for Translational & Clinical Research Aachen (CTC-A) and in the legal Department of the UKA where she gained comprehensive knowledge in the field of clinical trials. In addition to the project management of clinical studies from the planning phase to the completion, her work will focuses on contract management, the preparation of Standard Operation Procedures (SOP's) and the support of investigators of clinical studies.

Dr. Jacqueline Hofrichter will support the CTNR as a project assistant to develop and establish the planned CTNR Master's program "Translational Neurosciences". In addition, she will assist the orgainisation of CTNR events (Lecture of Excellence, CTNR Lecture Series). She is a biologist and received her doctorate in the field of neurodegenerative diseases from Rostock University. She worked with transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and was particularly concerned with investigating disease mechanisms and therapy options. After completing her doctorate, she worked for several years in the Department of Extracorporeal Immunomodulation (EXIM) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI). She is working as a research associate at University Medical Center Rostock since 2018 on the establishment of cell culture models for investigations at the blood brain barrier and the neuronal network.

Neuro Clinician Scientist

July 2019

The CTNR offers two Clinician Scientist positions in the Neurosciences for the research protected time of two years within the specialist/subspecialist training time to conduct a theoretical research project. The program consists of an individual clinical, scientific and soft skill educational curriculum under the umbrella of the Rostock Academy for Clinician Scientists (RACS).

Application information.

Honorary doctorate for the CTNR member Prof. Dr. med. Martin Witt

August 2019

For his research on the detection of proteins in cells and tissues using so-called immunohistochemical techniques the anatomist and CTNR member of the University of Rostock, Prof. Dr. med. med. Martin Witt, was awarded with an honorary doctorate from the Medical University of Poznan in Poland. Immunohistochemistry is a method by which proteins or other structures can be visualized with the help of labeled antibodies. The ceremony took place on June 26, 2019 in the Congress and Teaching Center of the Medical University of Poznan.

The Vice-Rector for Research of the Medical University of Poznan and promoter of the procedure, Prof. Michał Nowicki, justifies the award: "He is a proven expert in the detection of proteins in cells and tissues and a master of image processing. He is particularly interested in the structural and molecular basis for the function of the olfactory system in neurodegenerative diseases. The colleagues in Poznan also benefit from the research stays of the Rostock anatomist Witt, because with his support they were able to write numerous scientific papers. In addition, a unique experimental angiological team (teaching of the arteries, veins and lymph vessels) has been established."

The CTNR congratulates Prof. Witt for the awarding.

CTNR Lectures of Excellence starts successfully with Nobel laureate Prof. Nüsslein-Volhard

March 2019

On 20th March 2019, the newly initiated CTNR "Lectures of Excellence: Pioneers in Neurosciences" took place for the first time. The Nobel laureate Prof. Nüsslein-Volhard gave a very demonstrative lecture on "The stripes of Zebrafish: Development and evolution of biological aesthetics". About 200 participants visited the lecture in the Aula of the Universities main building and used the opportunity to get in close contact with the excellent scientist.

The Pro-Rector of Research and Transfer of Knowledge of the University of Rostock, Prof. Udo Kragl opend the event with an opening speech and presented Prof. Nüsslein-Volhard with the jubilee medal of the University (Jubiläumstaler).

More information.

Fotos: Thomas Mandt

High attendance at the CTNR seminar about third-party funds

February 2019

On 27th February 2019, within the CTNR qualification program, the CTNR member Prof. Olaf Wolkenhauer offered a seminar about how to write successful grants. He talked about the review process and gave useful advices about the grant writing and application process.

64 researchers of the University and University Medicine Rostock took the opportunity to get in close contact with the member of the DFG review board. 

More information about the event.

Albrecht-Kossel-Section for Translational Neurodegeneration

January 2019

The Albrecht-Kossel-Section for Translational Neurodegeneration at the Department of Neurology will be newly founded on the 01.01.2019 and is investigating the mechanisms of physiological and pathological aging as well as the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration. Aiming for the translation of innovative therapies into the clinical neurology, the main focus of the group is the application of human cell models of pathological aging (progeria infantilis and adultorum, down-syndrome), of adult neurodegeneration (ALS/FTD) and of juvenile neurodegeneration (chorea-acanthocytosis, Niemann pick type C, NCL). We want to combine the strategies of reducing pathological aging on the one side and the specific therapy of neurodegeneration on the other side.

New Section Leader:
Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Hermann

Available positions at the AKOS.

2nd CTNR Members' Meeting

December 2018

13th December 2018, at 5:00 pm
Konferenzraum 039 (Neubau, Teil B, EG)
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
Gehlsheimer Str. 20
18147 Rostock

(Participation only by invitation)

Presentation of the CTNR at the 9th Research Workshop

November 2018

Members of the CTNR will present their research work within the "Profilschwerpunkt Neurowissenschaften" at the 9th Research Workshop of the University Medicine Rostock.

16th November2018, beginning at 8:30 am
Campus Ulmenstraße 69
18057 Rostock


Successful completion of the CTNR workshop about DFG research grants

October 2018

The scientific coordinator of the CTNR, Virginia Bolowski, initiated successfully the first workshop about the DFG research grant (Sachbeihilfe). The workshop was about the content, structure and submission process of a research grant at the German Research Foundation.

26 participants of various institutes of the University Medical Centre got the possibility to get in touch with this funding instrument by doing practical exercises and interacting with each other.

The workshop is part of the CTNR qualification program to strengthen grant efforts within the University Medical Centre Rostock.

Clinician Scientist Program at the University Medicine Rostock

October 2018

To improve the recruiting of young medical scientific researchers and to support their specific challenges concerning compatibility of research and clinical work, the University Medicine Rostock (UMR) established an overall clinician scientist program ("Strukturprogramm Clinician Scientist").

In order to create efficient incentives for an academic/research career besides medical training, 15 positions for an advanced training in a clinical specialty/subspecialty (ärztliche Weiterbildungsstellen) are advertised.

The key element of the program is the research protected time of two years within the specialist/subspecialist training time to conduct a theoretical research project. The program consits of an individual clinical, scientific and soft skill educational curriculum and is structured into a Junior and an Advanced Clinician Scientist Program.

The positions are available now: job advertisement.

Newsletter about Funding Opportunities, Training and Events in Neurosciences

The monthly newsletter is a free service of the Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock. It provides information about recent funding opportunities, awards, training opportunities and events in the field of neurosciences.

Presentation of the CTNR at the 8th Research Workshop

November 2017

The Boardmembers of the CTNR will present the "Profilschwerpunkt Neurowissenschaften" at the 8th Research Workshop of the University Medicine Rostock.

24th November2017, beginning at 9:00 am
Campus Ulmenstraße 69
18057 Rostock



1st CTNR Members' Meeting

November 2017

First meeting of the CTNR members.

22nd November 2017, at 5:00 pm
Hörsaal Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Gehlsheimer Straße 20, 18147 Rostock

(Participation only by invitation)

Meet Our Members


"The biggest challenge is allocation of time."


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Prof. Dr. Antonio Luchicchi, Amsterdam UMC




Neuste Entwicklungen zum Einsatz von Theranostik in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Demenzforschung


October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden


Forensik Update

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