Your Centre
The Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences offers scientists, clinicians and employees various opportunities to gain experiences from the neuroscience community in Rostock.
Inform you about your opportunities to join!
Opportunities for Researchs Group Leaders
CTNR Membership
We cordially invite independent research group leaders with a focus on neuroscience research at the University Medical Centre Rostock (UMR), University Rostock and related institutions to join the CTNR as a member.
CTNR members benefit from all activities of the CTNR including structured educational programs for young researchers, funding programs, lecture series etc. The membership assembly of the CTNR will have a collective responsibility for its operation.
According to the tentative bylaws of the CTNR, independent research group leaders (Postdocs, Habilitanden/-innen, Priv.-Dozenten/-innen, Professors) with a focus on neuroscience research (as for example indicated by original articles and research grants in the neuroscience field) are eligible to join the CTNR as members.
Starting a new collaboration
If you want to develop a new CTNR collaboration, please convey your desire to do so to a member of our CTNR Board who then acts as a bridge between the groups to open an active dialogue.
Furthermore, the CTNR supports the planning of first kick-off meetings of the interested members, where the projects are presented and the collaboration potential can be identified, and concrete next steps established. If you have your own workshop idea, submit a short proposal to the CTNR Board and we will realise it together.
Any specific activity between two or more members of the CTNR in the field of neurosciences is welcome.
Opportunities for Postdocs
Young Neuro Scientist
As a postdoctoral researcher (max. 12 months after doctorate) you have the opportunity to apply for the CTNR Young Neuroscientist Programme. The financial support is used to enable young scientists the preparation of preliminary work for grant applications.
Medical Scientist
To do research within the CTNR, you will have the opportunitiy to apply for a position as a Medical Scientist within the Rostock Academy of Science. The financial support is used to give medical scientists (non-physician, medical researchers in theoretical, preclinical and clinical subjects, as well as non-medical researchers in other natural/life/engineering/social science fields) the opportunity to create preliminary work for grant applications.
Clinician Scientist
The CTNR offers two Clinician Scientist positions in the Neurosciences for the research protected time of two years within the specialist/subspecialist training time to conduct a theoretical research project in the field of Neurosciences. The programme consists of an individual clinical, scientific and soft skill educational curriculum and runs under the regulation of the Rostock Academy of Science (RAS, see below).
Within the Rostock Academy of Science you can apply for a Clinician Scientist position with fully funded specialist training time and two-year research protected time in Rostock.
Project funding
Find a CTNR member and apply for third-party funds to start a new collaborative project.
Opportunities for PhD students
Supervision for PhD thesis
Get the possibility to be supervised by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC consists of 3 CTNR members (supervisors) and aims to provide guidance for both the doctoral candidate and their supervisors, in order for them to reach a successful end of the project.
Young Neuro Scientist
As a doctoral candidate (shortly before the completion of the doctorate and after submitting the thesis) you have the opportunity to apply for the CTNR Young Neuroscientist Programme. The financial support is used to enable young scientists the preparation of preliminary work for grant applications or to complete the doctorate.
Medical Scientist
To do research within the CTNR, you will have the opportunitiy to apply for a position as a Medical Scientist within the Rostock Academy of Science. The financial support is used to give medical scientists (non-physician, medical researchers in theoretical, preclinical and clinical subjects, as well as non-medical researchers in other natural/life/engineering/social science fields) the opportunity to complete the doctorate.
Research stays in Rostock (for scientists from abroad)
We would like to offer young scientists from abroad the opportunity to conduct their PhD training within the CTNR framework. To this end, we offer support for interested students to apply for a DAAD or ERASMUS+ grant in Rostock.
Research stays in Lund (Sweden)
Visit a Lab or Institute for a research stay in Lund (Sweden) within our United Neuroscience Campus, financed by:
- your current funded project (with available funds for travel)
- Hermes Travel Grants (for Rostock students)
- DAAD grants
- ERASMUS+ grants
Opportunities for Master students
Master Thesis Projects
- Chose your CTNR working group and ask for open project opportunities
- Have a look at our open positions

- Clinician Scientist (Rostock Academy of Science)
- Medical Scientist (Rostock Academy of Science)