Scientific Writing of Grant Proposals
Scientific Writing of Grant Proposals

Overall objective
The seminar provides principle and rules of the scientific writing process with a focus on grant proposals. It gives an overview on how to start to write and structure a grant. The use of the language English as nonnative speaker and many examples are shown.
Target group
The seminar addresses young scientists at their early career stage.
The event is organised as part of the qualification programme of the CTNR and serves to promote the soft skills of young scientists. The seminar is part of the curriculum of the Rostock Academy for Clinician Scientists (RACS) in the "key qualifications" area.
About the lecturer
Virginia Bolowski is a scientific coordinator at the University Medicine Rostock. Since 2010, she is gaining experience in administrating, supporting and writing of scientific grant applications, started with the coordination of a proposal for a Graduate School as part of the German Universities Excellence Initiative. Since 2017, she is coordinating the Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock (CTNR). She supports professors with large-scale application initiatives (e.g. DFG research training groups, application for a neuroscience research building) and advises on individual applications (e.g. DFG research grants).
Dates will be announced in the event calendar.