CTNR Summer School 2021

Joining Forces for Rostock Neurosciences - Technology Expertise Blitz
Rostock & Biohotel Gut Gremmelin, Germany, on September 02nd - 04th, 2021
The first CTNR Summer School will be a platform for the get-to-know and networking of senior and young scientists from Rostock in the field of Neurosciences. Researchers of CTNR working groups will be trained in neuroanatomy by a two-day long preparation course in Rostock. Following, leader and junior scientists will present together in tandems the current state-of-the-art, their methodologies, applications and on-site technologies on the Summer School location at the hotel in Gremmelin. They will get the possibility to find partners for future joint projects, initiatives and exiting research challenges. The Summer School will provide networking tools by oral and poster presentations, discussions and scientific network activities. The best poster will be awarded by a project funding amount of 1,000 €.
Preliminary programme
Thursday, 02 September 2021 - Rostock
9:00 am - 8:00 pm: Neuroanatomy preparation course I (Institute of Anatomy, Rostock)
Friday, 03 September 2021 - Rostock/Gut Gremmelin
- 8:00 am - 10:45 am: Neuroanatomy preparation course II (Institute of Anatomy, Rostock)
- 12:00 pm: Arrival (Gut Gremmelin) and Lunch
- 12:50 pm: Welcome
- 1:00 pm: Session 1 (presentations)
- 3:00 pm: Coffee & Posters
- 3:30 - 6:30 pm: Session 2 (presentations and keynote speaker: Prof. Dimitri Kullmann - University College London)
- 7:00 pm: Dinner & Scientific Networking
Saturday, 04 September 2021 - Gut Gremmelin
- 07:00 am: Breakfast
- 09:00 am: Session 3 (presentations)
- 11:30 am: Coffee
- 12:00 am: Poster Session and Poster Award
- 1:30 pm: Lunch & Farewell
General information
Neuroanatomy preparation course
- The language of the course is German, accompanying explanations can be made in English if necessary.
- For Summer School participants, the CTNR takes over the participation fees.
Oral/Poster presentations
- Every participant can prepare a scientific poster (A0). Poster walls will be available on site.
- The language for the oral and poster presentation is English.
- The length for the tandem oral presentation is max. 25 minutes + 5 minutes discussions.
CTNR Poster Award
- The CTNR Board will vote for the best poster at the poster session.
- The winner receives prize money of € 1,000 for supporting the project presented.
- The participants pay the travel and accommodation costs ("Dienstreiseantrag" via the institutes).
- For Summer School participants, the CTNR takes over the costs for the participation fees of the neuroanatomy preparation course, location rent, planned meals/beverages and planned social events.
The summer school takes place subject to the then currently applicable regulations concerning the corona pandemic.